"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.'' E.R.
Someone may try to suggest to you that you ought to feel inferior. When you feel put down by someone around you, it is one of the worst feelings. Yet, it is also a time for realizing that only you have the power to stop this feeling or to allow it to get to you. In reality you control your own feelings and will only feel inferior if you agree with them (if you consent to feel inferior). No one can ruin your self-esteem, unless you believe the negative things they say. Deal with it constructively rather than making it into a case of feeling victimized and self-defeatist. Learn from the experience, improve aspects of yourself that bother you, and highlight your talents and good points. After all, quite possibly, the barbs were but jealousy of all the good and cleverness which you already shine forth. It has taken me a while to learn this, and I still practice looking at myself better than others do to this day. Just because one person doesn't like me or I am not their equal economically and socially doesn't mean the entire human race hates me. I am not inferior; I am just as human as they are.